alexander technique

F M Alexander (1869-1953) was an Australian actor who developed the Technique to overcome his persistent hoarseness whilst on stage. It has helped many people to change life long habits that cause poor posture and associated conditions. It also helps with:

  • Back, neck and joint pain
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Stiffness and tense muscles
  • Breathing and vocal problems

Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique is a subtle and thoughtful discipline, but essentially it works through re-establishing the natural relationship between the head, the neck and the back – the “core” of the body that supports the strength of the limbs and which provides the structural environment for breathing and for the internal organs.

As you become more experienced you will know how to use the Technique in any situation. The number of lessons varies with each person so it’s a good idea to start with an introductory session and we can discuss your goals and needs.

Testimonial from Jenny Devine

Maxine had been teaching me Alexander Technique for the past two years. In this time, my posture has improved dramatically and I now have strong core muscles and a more toned body. I rarely suffer from the back and neck problems which caused me to contact Maxine in the first place. I have not needed to visit my Chiropractor since commencing lessons. Maxine is a patient and thorough teacher and I have benefitted greatly from her lessons. I am a very satisfied pupil!